Our Algorithm
How it works ⬇️
After we set up your Streak Profile, we use several key data points to calculate and verify your Activity Streak.
Your Activity Type(s)
You will be asked to select your activity type(s) when you set up your Streak Profile.
Please ensure you upload the correct activity type, otherwise it will not count towards your streak.
We currently only offer Run Activity Type at this time. More will be available soon.
Your Activity's Date
To verify an Activity Streak, we ensure each calendar day has at least 1 activity. If you happen to have multiple activities on a single day, those activities will count towards your streak statistics, but not towards your Activity Streak total days.
Of course, if you miss an activity the next calendar day, your streak will reset.
You can always upload a missing activity or reupload to re-calculate an Activity Streak.
If your activity overlaps into the next calendar day, that activity counts for both days.
(Optional) Minimum Distance
If you specificy a minimum distance, we will sum all activities' distance for that particular day. If your activity is at least the minimum distance specified, we will count that day towards your streak.
Need help? 🤔
If you have questions or notice any abuse of our platform, please contact us anytime at team@bagelhouse.co